Call center monitoring software application — Telemarketing supervision software application

Agent being monitored by the Monitor L!ve of OriGn, the software application  for call centers and telemarketing.

Monitor L!ve: Total control of the call center

Everything at a glance

All the information that the Monitor L!ve presents to you may be seen at once, laid out on the screen.

OriGn's Monitor L!ve lays out the information about the call center on a single screen

And no complex technical installation is needed: no Windows service has to be run, nor any server application or any additional software library. Just by installing OriGn in any LAN, the Monitor L!ve is already ready to use.

Statistical monitoring

Know the detailed statistics of each campaign, task or department, updated live: calls made and/or received, interactions conducted, dialing breakdown by result (answered, unanswered, busy...), successes obtained (sales, completed surveys, scheduled appointments...), answered call breakdown by outcome...

See the aforesaid statistics per agent, always live.

All campaign and agent statistics may be obtained, with just one clic, for the current day, yesterday, this week, the week before, the week prior to the week before, the current month, last month, the year previous to the year before... and, of course, between two any given dates. And if the entered period includes the current day, you get the statistics updated live.

All information corresponding to the different campaigns, processes or departments, and agents is shown in one single form, in several lists.

Know live the state of the database of each campaign, task or department: number of contacts that have not been called/handled yet, pending call retries and follow-up calls, contacts that need no further calls/interactions...

When conducting surveying campaigns, know live the respondent quotas evolution.

Direct monitoring

Watch live and in its actual size any given Agent Desktop.

Listen to any phone call.

Know how much time every agent has been working, what task they are carrying out, since when, in which campaign/department/process, with which contact they are talking to or interacting...

See live the total quantity of agents that are working in each campaign, department or process, and what tasks they are carrying out.

See the state and progress of all the current dialings, live.

Watch live all Agent Desktops at once, in mosaic mode, as shown in the following video.

Current Time 0:00
Duration Time 0:00
Remaining Time -0:00
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%