Send mass/bulk emails to your contacts
You just need an email account
By only having an email account that can be accessed through POP3 protocol (which is the norm in the vast majority of email accounts) you may send mass emails to the contacts stored in OriGn's database.
Select the contacts to which to send the emails by any conditions
Choose freely to which contacts to send the emails, using absolutely any criteria whatsoever. Do we need to provide an example?... Yes, that too.
Integration with the contact history
When you send a mass email, if you so choose, OriGn creates an entry in every recipient contact's history, so that agents know that said interaction was done to them.
Automatic scheduling of a follow-up call
Optionally, you may decide that OriGn—the software application for call centers, telemarketing, sales by phone...—schedules a follow-up call for a certain point in time after the mass email was sent, so your agents call the contacts regarding whatever the matter related to the email.