Call recording
Fully configurable

The use of the SIP softphone that OriGn incorporates allows the recording of calls made or received by the agents. This recording is completely configurable:
- Audio file format.
- Tags for this file.
- Full call recording or on-demand recording.
- Physical location of the generated recordings, etc.
You can see what has just been explained in the screenshot alongside these lines.
On-demand recording
When it is necessary to record separately a particular part of the conversation (in addition or not to the entire conversation), the agent marks its beginning and its end by clicking on a button or by activating some other visual element.
In the example image shown below, you can see the section of a data entry form in which the agent may activate the beginning of the call recording at the time when a sale or agreement is accepted.

Storing and retrieving recordings
All the recordings are accessible through the contact history, by date, etc.
When a recording is retrieved, it can be listened to and sent by email, as you can see in the following image.

How it works in detail
Watch the video below to see how the call recording features work in detail.